
Archive for December, 2008

List of YouTube Haters, Hoaxers and Vulgarians

December 18, 2008 5 comments

UPDATE: Visit our The YouTube Krankies page for a more comprehensive list of ‘POO Tubers’ who use the site to spread their BS.

A list of the most idiotic and downright offensive people on YouTube. This list will most probably grow day by day. If anyone is missing from this list who warrents being put on it, let us know.

1. yowbooks –

Best known for spreading disinformation, fear mongering, money making scams.

2. NoStarPanel –

Best known for spreading disinformation, YOWUSA/Marshall Masters informant. Fear Mongering.

3. gorilla199 –

Best known for spreading disinformation, outrageous claims, vulgar comments/messages.

4. BlessedOne333 – [ACCOUNT SUSPENDED]

Best known for spreading disinformation, outrageous claims, vulgar comments/messages.

5. kingufokid –
Other accounts also belonging to this user include: cowardsattack [ACCOUNT SUSPENDED] ufoattacks & roberthaterproof
Best known for hoaxing/claiming airplane and helicopter footage are extraterrestrial in origin. Making threats, vulgar comments and messages.

6. cealvaradob –

Best known for hoaxing/claming airplane and helicopter footage are extraterrestrial in origin. General hater, nasty comments/remarks made towards others who disagree.

7. SlikAsShit –

Best known for hoaxing/claming airplane and helicopter footage are extraterrestrial in origin. Making threats, vulgar comments and messages.

8. AntiNibiruUnite – [ACCOUNT CLOSED]

General hater, clone account. Making threats, vulgar comments and messages.

9. cheezitman54321 – [ACCOUNT CLOSED]

General hater, clone account. Making threats, vulgar comments and messages.

10. IntoTheDarkSide – [ACCOUNT CLOSED]

Re-opened as lntoTheDarkSide – [ACCOUNT CLOSED]

General hater, clone account. Making threats, vulgar comments and messages.


General hater. Making threats, vulgar comments and messages.

12. inspectorwank –

General hater. Making threats, vulgar comments and messages.

13. bigmikey1979 –

General hater. Leaves disgusting comments and messages on people’s channels.

W4 Media “What’s Wrong With the World” Live Broadcast Promo ad (coming 2009)

December 6, 2008 1 comment

A video and message below from a very good friend of ours. Check it out.

With the recent “restructuring” of the AZ UFO Show (which I was dismissed from for “Doing Nothing” (Which we all know is B.S.) and Rich’s belief that he’s now a psychic, and thus gives psychic readings on the show – I’m starting a new show to carry on the tradition of seeking the truth, not just in the realm of the paranormal, but in every area of life which we encounter daily…

Show will begin in 2009… I do not have an official start date, as we are still testing various different broadcast sites, to provide the best quality audio and video on the internet. If you know of a site that has these features, please let me know, maybe it can speed up the testing process…

If you wish to be informed when the show will begin, please send me either:

A message here on YouTube (TheScrutinizerReport), or email me at

I will NOT give out your email address to any other parties, and it will be used solely for giving updates on the upcoming show.

Giant Skeleton Hoax

December 4, 2008 3 comments
Emails with attached images supposedly depicting the skeletal remains of gigantic humans claim that the skeletons were unearthed in the Arabian or Indian deserts (Full commentary below.

Status: False

Example 1: (Submitted, July 2004)

FYI. Just got this Email, only God knows better about this story, but check it out:

Recent gas exploration activity in the south east region of the Arabian desert uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Arabian desert is called the Empty Quarter, or in Arabic, ‘Rab-Ul-Khalee’. The discovery was made by the Aramco Exploration team. As God states in the Quran that He had created people of phenomenal size the like of which He has not created since. These were the people of Aad where Prophet Hud was sent. They were very tall, big, and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. Later these people, who were given all the power, turned against God and the Prophet and transgressed beyond all boundaries set by God. As a result they were destroyed.

Ulema’s of Saudi Arabia believe these to be the remains of the people of Aad. Saudi Military has secured the whole area and no one is allowed to enter except the ARAMCO personnel. It has been kept in secrecy, but a military helicopter took some pictures from the air and one of the pictures leaked out into the internet in Saudi Arabia. See the attachment and note the size of the two men standing in the picture in comparison to the size of the skeleton !!

Example 2: (Submitted, July 2007)

Subject: FW: Legendary skeleton

Recent exploration activity in the northern region of India uncovered a skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size. This region of the Indian desert is called the Empty Quarter.

The exploration team also found tablets with inscriptions that stated that our Gods of Indian mythologicalyore, Brahma, had created people of phenomenal size the like of which He has not created since. They were very tall, big, and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. They were created to bring order among us since we were always fighting with each other. One of he sons of Bhima of the Pandava brothers is also thought of to have been carrying these genes. Later these people, who were given all the power turned against all our Gods and transgressed beyond all boundaries set. As a result they were destroyed by God Shiva.

The Geo Exploration team believes these to be the remains of those people.

Govt of India has secured the whole area and no one is, allowed to enter except the NatGeo personnel.

This classic leg-pull has now been circulating via email, blogs and forums for several years and has even been published by some news outlets as factual. In fact, the “giant skeleton” images that travel with these messages are not photographs depicting real discoveries but instead clever manipulations. A lot of recipients would be quick to doubt the authenticity of the images. However, submissions indicate that the high quality of the fake images coupled with the vaguely plausible explanations that accompany them are apparently enough to convince many recipients that the “discoveries” are genuine.

So far, there have been two popular variants of the hoax. The first variant (Example 1 above) claims that a skeleton of a gigantic human was discovered during a gas exploration in the south east region of the Arabian desert and sports an attached photograph to “prove” the claim. However, the cleverly created image of the giant skeleton is actually an entry in an image manipulation contest by artist “IronKite” in which participants were instructed to create “a picture of an archaeological discovery that looks so real, had it not appeared at Worth1000, people might have done a double take”.

The message tries to add legitimacy to its fanciful tale by referencing the Quran’s Prophet Hud and the people of Aad (or “Ad”). Some Islamic references do claim that the people of Aad were thought to be giants. However, other material describes them as having a “stature tall among the nations” or as simply being “physically well-built”. The Christian Bible also makes mention of giants.

The second variant (Example 2 above) moves the “action” to the Indian desert and replaces the Islamic references with mentions of characters in Indian mythology, including Brahma and Bhima’s son. According to Indian legend, Bhima’s son Ghatotkacha was a powerful fighter with magical abilities, although he is not generally described as a giant. Other than the change in mythological references, much of the wording in the two hoax variants is virtually identical.

The Indian based variant includes IronKite’s image along with three other giant skeleton pictures that also originate from the same Worth1000 contest. The second picture in the set, complete with giant revolver, is titled everlasting rest and was created by amaranto. The third image is an entry simply named Giant Skeleton and was created by Anakinnnn. And the fourth image in the set is named Uncovered Giant and was created by Trit.

The hoax was apparently republished by several media outlets in Indian, Bangladesh and elsewhere. A scan of one of these newspaper articles is included in one version of the hoax email. Such articles have given the hoax undeserved credibility.

IronKite’s creation has even been featured in a YouTube video entitled “Proof evolution is an evil lie from satan (the devil)”. The video’s creator uses IronKite’s giant skeleton, along with other dubious images, as “proof” that giants once lived on Earth. The inclusion of a well-documented hoax image, in addition to a number of logical flaws, seriously undermines the video maker’s credibility and has earned him the ridicule of his fellow YouTubers.

The image and “Arabian desert discovery” description is also included in another fanciful YouTube video warning of impending disaster for Earth. Again, the blatant use of a well-known hoax as “proof” decimates what little credibility the video had to begin with.

Even if you do believe that a race of giants once walked the Earth, you can rest assured that these photographs do not depict some of their remains. In their original context as part of a Worth1000 contest, the status of the images as purely fictional “archaeological discoveries” is quite clear. Apparently, however, some unknown prankster stole IronKite’s image from its original setting, added some seemingly relevant text, and sent it on its way. Perhaps due largely to the talent of its creator, the image has circulated ever since. In due course, others have apparently added more Worth1000 images to the hoax messages.

The photo was created by altering an actual photo of a Cornell University excavation of a mastodon skeleton outside Hyde Park, New York, where the Paleontological Research Institution and the Cornell Department of Geological Sciences are excavating the skeleton of a mastodon. Real photos below.

IronKite digitally superimposed a human skeleton over the mastodon-dig photo, he told National Geographic News in December 2007. IronKite started with an aerial photo of a mastodon excavation in Hyde Park, New York, in 2000. He then digitally superimposed a human skeleton over the beast’s remains. The later addition of a digging man presented the biggest technical challenge. “If you look, he’s holding a yellow-handled shovel, but there’s nothing on the end,” IronKite said. “Originally, the spade end was there. But [it] looked like it was occupying the exact same space as the skeleton’s temple, making the whole thing look fake. “Now it looks like he’s just holding a stick, and people don’t notice. It’s funny.” IronKite also altered the color of the man’s clothing to create a “uniform tie-in” with the white-shirted observer peering down from the wooden platform. The two figures work to exaggerate the scale of the skeleton, he added. If you also look in the bottom right corner of the original mastodon-dig photo, you can see a tusk of the animal that IronKite left in his altered ones. IronKite said he’s tickled that the picture—which took only about an hour and a half to create—has generated so much Internet attention. “I laugh myself silly when some guy claims to know someone who was there, or even goes so far as to claim that he or she was there when they found the skeleton and took the picture,” IronKite said. “Sometimes people seem so desperate to believe in something that they lie to themselves, or exaggerate in order to make their own argument stronger.”

Zecharia Sitchin and The Earth Chronicles

December 4, 2008 Leave a comment

“. . .he’s just another nut making a living selling books that treat folks to a tale they want to believe in.”
Rob Hafernik

“…the Sumerian Epic of Creation is not an allegorical myth but a sophisticated cosmogony scientifically describing how our solar system came to be….” Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin, along with Erich von Däniken and Immanuel Velikovsky, make up the holy trinity of pseudohistorians. Each begins with the assumption that ancient myths are not myths but historical and scientific texts. Sitchin’s claim to fame is announcing that he alone correctly reads ancient Sumerian clay tablets. [Of course, he didn’t announce this by taking out an ad in the New York Times but by implying it with his “translations” that do not jibe with the work of legitimate scholars in the field.] If Sitchin is right, then all other scholars have misread these tablets, which, according to Sitchin, reveal that gods from another planet (Nibiru or Niburu, which orbits our Sun every 3,600 years) arrived on Earth some 450,000 years ago and created humans by genetic engineering of female apes. Niburu orbits beyond Pluto and is heated from within by radioactive decay, according to Sitchin. No other scientist has discovered that these descendants of gods blew themselves up with nuclear weapons some 4,000 years ago (The War of Gods and Men, p. 310).* Sitchin alone can look at a Sumerian tablet and see that it depicts a man being subjected to radiation. He alone knows how to correctly translate ancient terms allowing him to discover such things as that the ancients made rockets (ibid., p. 46).* Yet, he doesn’t seem to know that the seasons are caused by the earth’s tilt, not by its distance from the sun.

Sitchin was born in Russia, was raised in Palestine, and graduated from the University of London with a degree in economic history. He worked for years as a journalist and editor in Israel before settling in New York.

Sitchin, like Velikovsky, presents himself as erudite and scholarly in a number of books, including The Twelfth Planet (1976) and The Cosmic Code (1998). Both Sitchin and Velikovsky write very knowledgeably of ancient myths and both are nearly scientifically illiterate. Like von Däniken and Velikovsky, Sitchin weaves a compelling and entertaining story out of facts, misrepresentations, fictions, speculations, misquotes, and mistranslations. Each begins with their beliefs about ancient visitors from other worlds and then proceeds to fit facts and fictions to their basic hypotheses. Each is a master at ignoring inconvenient facts, making mysteries where there were none before, and offering their alien hypotheses to solve the mysteries. Their works are very attractive to those who love a good mystery and are ignorant of the nature and limits of scientific knowledge. They are especially attractive to those who are ignorant of biblical and historical scholarship.

Sitchin promotes himself as a Biblical scholar and master of ancient languages, but his real mastery was in making up his own translations of Biblical texts to support his readings of Sumerian and Akkadian writings.

He’s let us know he’s going to twist the translations around to support his thesis. Indeed, a reader of Sitchin’s book would do well to keep a couple of Bibles handy to check up on the verses Sitchin quotes. Many of them will sound odd or unrecognizable because they have been translated from their familiar form (this is made harder by the fact that Sitchin rarely tells you just which verse he is quoting). This would be much more acceptable if he wasn’t using the twisted translations to support the thesis that led to the twisted translations (Hafernik).

Most of Sitchin’s sources are obsolete. He has received nothing but ridicule from scientific archaeologists and scholars familiar with ancient languages. His most charming quality seems to be his vivid imagination and complete disregard for established facts and methods of inquiry, traits that are apparently very attractive to some people.

Sitchin’s ideas have been appropriated by Raël, another wise man, who has started his own religion (Raëlian Religion) around the idea that humans are the result of a DNA experiment by ancient visitors from outer space. Raël has even written a channeled book, dictated to him by extraterrestrials. It is called The Final Message. We can only hope it is.

Link to original post: Zecharia Sitchin and The Earth Chronicles

And now for something completely different

December 3, 2008 Leave a comment

Something abit different here but still relevant to frauds and hoaxes. For those of you who regulary use YouTube and watch videos on UFOs etc, you have no doubt come across this character, Robert Thorson, AKA kingufokid from Fresno CA. This user has had around five YouTube accounts now, mostly remembered for his ‘theufokid’ username, all resulting in them being suspended because of his constant vulgarities and threats towards other users who question his so-called “real UFO videos”. We have no doubt, aswell as proof, that this individual suffers from mental health problems and is/was a known methamphetamine user who apparently went into rehab for his addiction. On the metacafe website this is made clear by posts he made under the name of ‘ufokid’ on a video titled: Meth – Not Even Once. See below.

Now methamphetamine addiction, or any sort of drug addiction is no laughing matter, but it’s pretty obvious to us that the reason this person is the way he is, is because of methamphetamine use. The psychological effects of methamphetamine include, euphoria, dysphoria, increased attention, increased alertness, excessive talking, rapid speech, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, panic, aggressive and sometimes violent behavior, severe depression, suicidal tendencies, hyperactivity and excitability, increased sense of well-being, and emotional lability. Occasionally excessive and/or chronic use of methamphetamine can lead to amphetamine psychosis, with side effects such as hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, and thought disorder. Alot of these effects can be seen in the type of comments kingufokid leaves for people and in many of his videos.

There are hundreds more comments like this, so many infact it would take up a whole page on our blog. To finish with, we also have evidence kingufokid is making false copyright claims against other peoples videos who show his footage is nothing more than helicopters and planes. This is a favourite tactic when it comes to people being exposed for who and what they are. We recommend you watch the videos below by the YouTube user spisforme. kingufokid had one of this users videos removed because the users children even debunked kingufokids footage as nothing more than a helicopter! Also evidence of criminal convictions which can be found here: Robert Thorson convictions. All you have to do is type in his name.

We have seen and read some bizarre things in our time, but when it comes to this kingufokid character we’ve not seen anything like it. The person himself is more bizarre than the claims he makes regarding his videos, which he is convinced shows extraterrestrial spacecraft, aliens, bigfoot, ghosts, demons etc, you name it, chances are Robert Thorson claims to have video taped it! We can only guess how long it will be before he is suspended from YouTube again for his erratic and dangerous behavior.

Some other links worth checking out on this guy: AboveTopSecret and Billy’s UFOs / Aliens Blog.